Thursday, May 3, 2012

Making the Leap

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I'm hoping to make a possibly life-changing decision in a couple of days. I guess I should start at the beginning (sort of...more like, The Beginning Part II) to explain. About a month or so ago I was in bed, trying (unsuccessfully) to get some sleep. I started thinking about the upcoming summer and resuming my work at the daycare after an exhausting semester of school. I enjoy my job, I do. But it's tiring and, though I have a different schedule a couple times a week, it becomes very monotonous, very fast. 

And then it dawned on me. 

I can't spend the rest of my life working a 9-5 (or 7-3, or...) job. I just can't. Why? Because I have the itch. I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't want to create something. I suppose I've always been a little restless, and I've become even more so since beginning college two years ago. The thought of being "tied down" to a corporate job absolutely suffocates me. I need freedom to be my own boss, to work on my own time, and to be creative. It's simple, really.

So, after that realization, I told myself that I would wait until the semester was almost over to begin brainstorming what I could do. The semester ended on Wednesday, but ever since Monday I've been dreaming up a storm. And I think I've finally got it. 

I'm *this close* to making the leap and opening my own paper shop on Etsy. Why paper? Because I've always had a crazy love for it. One notebook or planner or piece of stationery or envelope or note card was never enough for me. No, give me ten, twenty. I absolutely adore it. To me, there's nothing like opening up a new journal or a blank card just waiting to be written in. And most recently, I've been a bit infatuated with design and typography. 

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So, basically, here's the plan: I've started gathering supplies- cardstock, good pens, stamps, ink pads, etc. and have begun sketching some ideas. Though I haven't pin-pointed which products I want to start producing first, I'm making progress. I'd like to start with note cards and folded-cards. Most will have a little phrase (happy birthday, thinking of you, just because, etc.) on the front along with a sweet design. I'd also love to personalize Moleskine notebooks. I want to treat all of this like an honest to goodness business. I don't want this to be a hobby for me. This is the real deal, which pretty much scares the crap out of me. There's no guarantee of success, but I'm young, and I have nothing to lose. My plan is to make this my job. The one that fits me the best.

That's it for now (and you're thinking 'oh, that's all?' in a sarcastic manner). Tomorrow, I'll be back to list my goals for the month of May, as well as talk about my branding process (or lack thereof).


Monday, April 30, 2012

i'm hope

Hi, there! I'm Hope, and this is my blog.